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f1dataR (development version)

  • Forced fail-over from Ergast to Jolpica (still deprecated at ‘warn’ level).
  • Fixed a pre-season bug where Jolpica API was missing a column in load_season().

f1dataR 2.0.0

CRAN release: 2025-03-01

  • Deprecated Ergast and moved to Jolpica API for Ergast Functions. While this is not a breaking change in the code syntax, the documentation changes significantly to reflect this and a new major version is appropriate. (#268)
  • Bugfix in plot_fastest().
  • Bugfix in load_results() with pagination - Thanks to @awanderingspirit. (#272)
  • Bugfix in README. (#267)

f1dataR 1.6.0

CRAN release: 2024-08-27

f1dataR 1.5.3

CRAN release: 2024-05-01

  • Enabled Sprint Qualifying “SQ” as a session type in line with FastF1 v3.3.5.

f1dataR 1.5.2

CRAN release: 2024-04-15

  • Modified testing to satisfy CRAN requirements.
  • Added vignette looking at telemetry plots through Alonso’s 2024 Australia penalty.

f1dataR 1.5.1

CRAN release: 2024-03-12

  • Added (very soft) deprecation warning to Ergast functions in advance of the Ergast API being defunct in less than 12 months.
  • Deprecated support for FastF1 v < 3.1.0. Older FastF1 versions do not support all of the functions in use and may return different values from some data retrieval or calculation functions. Forcing use of up-to-date FastF1 allows for simpler bugfixes and code updates. (#198)
  • Removed Ergast check for get_current_season() (#227)
  • Improved messaging to users regarding updating FastF1 (#226)
  • Named items in list returned by load_circuit_details()
  • Changed the way that correct_track_ratio() works. Visually the results are the same, but now any labels/annotations added to the ggplot should be kept in the right spot.
  • Added Vignette describing some load_circuit_details() usage.
  • Code improvements (better handle variation in Ergast response, better handle Ergast connection failures) (#228)
  • Testing improvements to validate our handling of internet failures (#228)
  • Upgraded to use httptest2 for testing no-internet scenarios (no affect on package performance)
  • Code cleanup (removed old inaccessible code, centralized repeated steps to functions, etc.)

f1dataR 1.5.0

CRAN release: 2024-01-25

  • Added load_circuit_details (#210)
  • Strengthened package testing (#212, #216)
  • Bugfixes (#216)

f1dataR 1.4.1

CRAN release: 2023-11-13

  • Fixed a bug with cache options (#194, #195, #197)
  • Fixed a build bug
  • Began deprecation of support for FastF1 v < 3.1.0

f1dataR 1.4.0

CRAN release: 2023-10-03

  • Fully deprecated round and fastest_only arguments
  • Added a function correct_track_ratio() to ensure plotted tracks have proper x & y ratios (#89, #179)
  • Added a function to help switch between cache choices (#170, #171)
    • Ensured cache option had default ("memory") (#181, #183)
  • Simplified Python package fastf1 installation (#187).
    • Virtualenv and Conda environment management is up to the user now

f1dataR 1.3.0

CRAN release: 2023-08-17

  • Updated documentation per requirements after CRAN review
  • Changed caching behavior per requirements after CRAN review. If you previously had set a cache directory options("f1dataR.cache" = [dir]) there will be no change. If you had previously not specified a cache directory, the package used to use the result of getwd(), so you can force that directory. New users can specify a default file cache location by setting options("f1dataR.cache" = "filesystem") or specify any other (existing) directory by setting the option.

Cache will otherwise use memory as a default until the end of the R session or for 24h (whichever comes first). Caching can be turned off by setting the option to “off”

f1dataR 1.2.1

  • Added additional output column to load_schedule() to show Sprint Race date.

f1dataR 1.2.0

  • Added a helper function for setting up fastf1 connection.
  • Improved testing coverage
  • Code style and format cleanups

f1dataR 1.1.0

  • Updated load_driver_telemetry to use laps parameter, allowing for a choice of ‘fastest’, ‘all’, or a numbered lap. Note a numbered lap requires fastf1 version 3.0 or greater (#78)

f1dataR 1.0.1

  • Added examples to documentation (#95)

f1dataR 1.0.0

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.