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Various aesthetics can be retrieved for a driver or team for a specific session/event.

get_driver_style() gets the FastF1 style for a driver for a session - this includes team colour and line/marker style which should be reasonably (but not guaranteed) consistent across a season. Based on FastF1's get_driver_style.

get_driver_color() and its alias get_driver_colour() return a hexidecimal RGB colour code for a driver at a given season & race. Note that, in contrast to earlier versions, both drivers for a team will be provided the same color. Use get_driver_style() to develop a unique marker/linestyle for each driver in a team. Data is provided by the python FastF1 package.

get_driver_color_mapping() and its alias get_driver_colour_mapping() return a data.frame of driver short-codes and their hexidecimal colour. Like get_driver_color(), both drivers on a team will get the same colour returned. Data is provided by the python FastF1 package. Requires provision of a specific race event (season/round/session).

get_team_color() and its alias get_team_colour() return a hexidecimal RGB colour code for a a team at a given season & race. Data is provided by the python FastF1 package.


get_driver_style(driver, season = get_current_season(), round = 1)

get_driver_color(driver, season = get_current_season(), round = 1)

get_driver_colour(driver, season = get_current_season(), round = 1)

get_team_color(team, season = get_current_season(), round = 1)

get_team_colour(team, season = get_current_season(), round = 1)

get_driver_color_map(season = get_current_season(), round = 1, session = "R")

get_driver_colour_map(season = get_current_season(), round = 1, session = "R")



Driver abbreviation or name (FastF1 performs a fuzzy-match to ambiguous strings).


A season corresponding to the race being referenced for collecting colour/style. Should be a number from 2018 to current season. Defaults to current season.


A round corresponding to the race being referenced for collecting colour/style. Should be a string name or a number from 1 to the number of rounds in the season and defaults to 1.


Team abbreviation or name (FastF1 performs a fuzzy-match to ambiguous strings).


the code for the session to load. Options are 'FP1', 'FP2', 'FP3', 'Q', 'S', 'SS','SQ', and 'R'. Default is 'R', which refers to Race.


for get_driver_style() a named list of graphic parameters for the provided driver, plus the driver identifier provided and the official abbreviation matched to that driver (names are linestyle, marker, color, driver, abbreviation).

for get_driver_color() and get_team_color(), a hexidecimal RGB color value.


if (interactive()) {
  # To get a specific season/race, specify them.
  get_driver_style(driver = "ALO", season = 2024, round = 3)

  # For drivers who haven't moved around recently, get their current season's style:
  get_driver_style(driver = "LEC")

  # Get all driver abbreviations and colors quickly:
  get_driver_color_mapping(season = 2023, round = "Montreal", session = "R")

  get_team_color(team = "Alpine", season = 2023, round = 1)