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Change caching settings for the package. By default, the cache will be set to keep the results of function calls in memory to reduce the number of requests made to online services for the same data. However, if preferred, the cache can be set to a file directory to make the results persist between sessions.

This is a particularly good idea if you're using functions like load_driver_telemetry(), load_session_laps(), load_race_session() or plot_fastest() as they take significant time and download large amounts of data each time you run the function.

If preferred for testing or waiting for data updates on race weekends, you may wish to set the cache to 'off' instead.

Changes to cache can be made for the session (mark the argument persist as FALSE) or apply to the next session(s) by setting persist to TRUE


change_cache(cache = "memory", create_dir = FALSE, persist = FALSE)



One of 'memory', 'filesystem', 'off' or a directory.

If the selection is 'filesystem' the package will automatically write the cache to the operating system's default location for permanent or temporary caches (see persist)


Whether to create the directory if it doesn't already exist if a path cache directory is provided. By default this doesn't occur for provided cache paths, but will always happen if the cache choice is set to 'filesystem'.


Whether to make this change permanent (TRUE) or a temporary cache change only (default, FALSE). Note if you set cache to 'off' and persist to TRUE the existing cache will be cleared by calling clear_cache().

If filesystem is chosen for cache and persist is set to TRUE, then a cache directory will be placed in the default location for the operating system. If instead persist is set to FALSE, then a temporary directory will be used instead, and this will be removed at the end of the session. This essentially has the same effect as having cache set to 'memory'.


No return, called for side effects


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
change_cache("~/f1dataRcache", create_dir = TRUE)

change_cache("off", persist = FALSE)
} # }